한정희 개인전

2025 03/26 – 03/31
본 전시장 (1F) 특별 전시장 (B1)

꽃은 어두운 흙에 뿌리를 두고 있지만 언제나 빛을 향해 자랍니다.

폭풍우, 뜨거운 햇볕 마다않고 참고 견디어 마침내 향기로운 꽃잎을 열어 온 세상을 향기로 가득 채웁니다.

나는 피어나는 꽃에서 어려움을 극복한 사람들을 봅니다.


마치 벌새들이

꽃향기의 아름다움에 취하여 스스로 꽃을 찾아가는 것처럼

우리들의 마음도

햇살처럼 따듯하고 온기와 향기로움으로 가득 채우면

소중한 인연들이 하나둘 모여 보람과 행복이 넘치는 그런 세상이 만들어지지 않을까!



Blossoming Joy

Flowers grow toward the light, rooted in dark soil. This journey of becoming involves hanging on, growing through the storms and droughts of different seasons.

In the face of continual change, flowers take their shape.

When they are ready, they blossom, releasing their beautiful scent from the inside out.

Receiving from light that is accessible to us all, flowers open up to share their fragrance freely throughout the earth.

As their fragrance spreads, hummingbirds are drawn in, accepting their invitation to share in the joy of life.

As we share our own fragrances, shaped by the seasons of our own journeys, we open up the possibility for life-giving connection with those around us.

My hope is that we might find each other, just as the sun and flowers and hummingbirds naturally do, to connect and contribute to a world of blossoming joy.